If Hamas agrees to the Israeli proposed truce on Gaza, the United States expects that Israel will accept the plan, said White ...
Nearly 62,000 people died from heat-related stress in the summer of 2022 in Europe alone, and, according to a new study by ...
Boeing is facing investigations by US regulators, possible prosecution for past actions and slumping production of its ...
Indonesia’s Mount Ibu erupted again Sunday and spewed thick, gray ash 7,000 meters (16,000 feet) into the air, officials said ...
Pyongyang says 'disgusting' missives had been effective countermeasure against propaganda sent by anti-regime activists ...
The 12-member oil cartel and its 10 allies decided to 'extend the level of overall crude oil production... starting 1 January ...
The decision to join the platform will help the former president reach younger voters in his third bid for the White House ...
Halla Tomasdottir, a businesswoman and investor, has won Iceland's presidential election, topping a crowded field of ...
Congressional leaders have invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to deliver an address the Capitol, a show of ...
The final results of a tumultuous South African election are expected to be declared late Sunday, though what is already ...
A Grammy-winning rapper, progressive activists and a leader of an afterschool squash program are part of the eclectic mix of ...
For retirees Tom and Beverly McAdam, the good news is the value of their two-bedroom home in suburban Denver has risen 45% ...