Illimity e Confida, l'associazione italiana della distribuzione automatica, hanno annunciato la nascita di Pehi: una nuova ...
“Yo de joven quería…”. Pocas personas habrá en el mundo que no puedan completar esa frase con un puntito de nostalgia, por lo ...
Presentations from media companies including streamers highlighted live programming such as the Olympics, NBA and NFL, most ...
A study by Teamlease Services estimates that around 200,000 jobs will be created in the hotel, restaurant, and tourism ...
Public sector banks (PSBs) in India recorded a year-on-year profit growth of 35% in FY24, Business Standard reports, citing ...
La sexalescencia es un término que describe una etapa de la vida en la que los adultos mayores, generalmente entre 60 y 70 ...
It’s a 100-year-old problem that presents unique challenges: crafting a paper bottle that won't disintegrate. Procter & ...
While many studies have highlighted the negative impacts of spending time online, new research suggests that using the ...
Now that infinity pools and luxury spas have lost some of their novelty and allure, hotels are looking to level up their ...
En España, la pensión suele rondar el 80 % del salario antes de la jubilación, 30 puntos más que la media europea.
Solo il 5% degli italiani è felice del proprio impiego. Stress e ansia portano a cambiare: il 42% degli italiani l’ha fatto ...
A survey by the Youth Climate Collective highlights that most youth consider climate change as a serious threat and are more ...